"Dik, saya ini memulai segala sesuatunya dari bawah, sampai saya ditunjuk menjadi wakil dirut perusahaan terkemuka di Jerman dan akhirnya menjadi Presiden RI, itu semua bukan kejadian tiba-tiba. Selama 48 tahun saya tidak pernah dipisahkan dengan Ainun, ibu Ainun istri saya. Ia ikuti kemana saja saya pergi dengan penuh kasih sayang dan rasa sabar. Dik, kalian barangkali sudah biasa hidup terpisah dengan istri, you pergi dinas dan istri di rumah, tapi tidak dengan saya." — B.J. Habibie
"Kids, I was starting everything from rock bottom until I was appointed a vice president of a leading company in Germany, and eventually became President of Republic Indonesia, this is not the event of a sudden. During these 48 years I have never been separated by Ainun my wife and mother of my children. She followed me to anywhere I go with full dedication and patience to me. You may be probably familiar living apart with your wives, but not with me. "- B.J. Habibie
It is a story of BJ Habibie, ex President of Republic Indonesia, who just lost his dearest wife in Mei 2012. He was greatly grieved about it. Indonesian's love story.
"Kids, I was starting everything from rock bottom until I was appointed a vice president of a leading company in Germany, and eventually became President of Republic Indonesia, this is not the event of a sudden. During these 48 years I have never been separated by Ainun my wife and mother of my children. She followed me to anywhere I go with full dedication and patience to me. You may be probably familiar living apart with your wives, but not with me. "- B.J. Habibie
It is a story of BJ Habibie, ex President of Republic Indonesia, who just lost his dearest wife in Mei 2012. He was greatly grieved about it. Indonesian's love story.
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